Writer | Filmmaker

Public Speaking

A John-Hughs-style teen drama about two high school debaters in the 1980’s


Public Speaking (Short Film—2017)

Public Speaking is a John-Hughes-esque short film about adolescent sexuality, communication and consent.

Set in the 1980s, it tells the story of two teenage members of a high school debate team. David is an accomplished competitor who is confident at the podium but awkward in social situations, and overwhelmed by the force of sexual desire. Nadia is a younger, less-experienced member of the team who idolizes David and is elated when he notices her.

But on the bus at night on the way home from a tournament, while Nadia is sleeping, David crosses a clear line. She confronts him about his actions, and how they then communicate with each other, both with words and without, is the most important kind of Public Speaking.


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